Making ready

“Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but
still nothing is as shining as it should be
for you. Under the sink, for example, is an
uproar of mice it is the season of their
many children. What shall I do? And under the eaves…” — Mary Oliver

How do you make ready for God?

Gazing wide

“God is present in the details of the everyday but is also visible when we pull back and take a wider gaze upon our lives and pay attention to the patterns and ways things have been woven together.”

Christine Valters Paintner, With eyes of heart

What weavings do you discover?


“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of it’s own unfolding.” John O’Donohue

In what surprising directions has your river of life taken you?

Risky times

Uncertain times are risky times. It is risky to take a step into the unknown, or to step over the edge and learn to fly along the way. It is risky to let go of control and step into spaces uncertain of the outcome.

Why is it worth taking a risk? What is worth taking a risk for?

Olive tree

Why am I drawn to the olive tree? Is it the beauty and flavor of it’s fruit? The oil that speaks of anointing? The olive branch as a symbol of peace and offer of reconciliation? The hardiness of the tree that can withstand extreme conditions?

Which of these speaks to you?