
A phrase recently caught my eye in “The Holy in the Night” by Shannon Dycus. Speaking of Mary, the mother of Jesus, “she is expectant with a faithfulness that imagines the world differently”.

May there be peace on earth in the coming year!

In what ways are you faithfully expectant?

Music in the air

The notes of hope wanting to emerge, rise, and turn to song in this season as we watch for light, wait for peace, and follow a star.

“O Holy Night…a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices…”

Do you wonder where the notes lead? What journey lies before you?


“They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God.”, author Zora Neale Hurston wrote. In this season of long nights, in the dark spaces of our times, in this season of Advent for Christians, we wait, we watch, we look, we long for God’s coming.

How do our eyes watch for God?

Bee balm

“He was hovering above some blackberry sprays just touching flowers here and there, yet all unconsciously life, life, life was left behind at every touch.” ~ Lillias Trotter

Are you aware how your lightest touches leave life behind?