Essential rest

“The essence of being in God’s image is our ability, like God, to stop. We imitate God by stopping our work and resting. If we can stop for one day a week, or for mini-Sabbaths each day, we touch something deep within us as image bearers of God. ~ Peter Scazzero

How do you rest?

Autumn mist

The changing of the season, autumn leaves ablaze with color, invites us to be present: to be amazed at the splendorous display of colors; to shed what will become fertile soil for future new growth; to get bare enough to find the bones of what is important.

What do you notice in the changing of this season?


“…and I stood there watching stream after engulfing stream plunge itself over the cliff above into the pool below. I imagined the steady engulfing power of mystery that breaks through our hardened places to destroy the roots of corruption in us. I watched, and the water would not relent.” ~ Kaitlin B. Curtice, Native

How do you stand in the steady engulfing power of mystery?

Ordinary miracle

“ I have learned that what I have not drawn, I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is, sheer miracle.” ~ Frederick Frank

How do you notice the extraordinary in the ordinary?


“Something inside me

constantly bleeds towards god.

That’s why I keep writing,

slipping messages under the door.” ~ Dorothy Walters

Could it be the other way as well? God slipping messages under our door?

Ocean sound

“A poet is an unhappy creature whose heart is tortured by deepest suffering but whose lips are so formed that when his sighs and cries stream out over them, their sound becomes like the sound of beautiful music…” ~ Søren Kierkegaard

How do you tap into the poetic?