New light

When things get so messy, strange or tense that I can’t find a way through, maybe playing with different colors will open up a path or spark an idea.

Where do you need to playfully find new openings?


If you would enter into the wilderness,
do not begin without a blessing.
Do not leave
without hearing
who you are:
named by the One
who has traveled this path before you. ~ Jan Richardson

What are your spaces of “beloved” that allow you to enter the wilderness?


At some point in life’s adventure we all struggle. It’s the tussle between the shadow and the daylight moments of the soul, forcing us to dig deep to open a new path.

What is stretching your soul at the moment?


Sabbath is an opening in the downpour of life. Stopping to withdraw from the never ending demands and anxiety of “not enough” and leaning into God’s more than enough.

How do you spend sabbath?