When day comes

When day comes, we step out of the shade,

Aflame and unafraid.

The new dawn blooms as we free it,

For there is always light,

If only we’re brave enough to see it,

If only we’re brave enough to be it. ~ Amanda Gorman

Wild living

“What will ground us is a commitment to return to the center even as we travel life’s edges. We must find spaces for silence and solitude so we can listen. The monk in the world knows that holy pauses are essential for discovering the meaning of our experiences. There is no map. We can only drop deep into our hearts to guide us through our next steps. Nature is a wise teacher. It calls us to explore what it means to live a wild life. A wild life is one that is not domesticated into boxes of safety. It is a risky way of being because in the wild there is always an encounter with fierce forces.” ~ Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim

How do you listen into the wild edges?


… Light

You invite me into delight!

Beauty. Abundance.

I stretch to embrace. … ~ Maureen Fowler

How do you invite the light?

Strength to be free

“Give me the strength to be free. Often, “being free” means to be where we are not at the moment, to be released of a particular set of chores or responsibilities …means movement, change, reordering. To be free may not mean any of these things. … Give me strength to be free. … It is the manifestation of a quality of being and living that results not only from understanding of one’s situation but also from wisdom in dealing with it.” ~ Howard Thurman

What does being free” mean to you?


Mysticism reminds us that the boundaries between this life and the life beyond are permeable, and that our power is not seeded in what is bestowed by politicians and society, but to everyone willing and ready to recognize the moves of an active Holy Spirit. . . . By being receptive to the things that we don’t understand, we fling open the center of our being to the mysteries of the Divine. ~ Barbara Holmes

How do you fling open the center?


We navigate this hazardous terrain

trying to advise You that there is indeed a struggle

there is a gap

Surviving a waking nightmare

beseeching You to break the shackles

You refuse to acknowledge even exist…

~ Martina McGowan