Sabbath flow

“Once people feel nourished and refreshed, they cannot help but be kind; just so, the world aches for the generosity of well-rested people.” ~ Wayne Muller

How does rest change you?

Woven together

“…creativity partially reflects the image of God within each of us. It is one strand of our divine DNA. The other strand is love, which is enormously creative. Woven together in a double helix, creativity and love compose the soul’s purpose in life while providing the tools to mirror our Creator.” ~ Karla M. Kincannon

How do you weave the double helix of your soul?

Sacred space

I have been pondering sacred spaces and moments, filled with the Holy Spirit — a feeling that heaven touches earth. Do we create or capture the Spirit or do we become aware of a change in the atmosphere as we open up to the mystery of the Spirit already there?

What helps us “discover” sacred space?

Sabbath realm

“There is a realm of time where the goal is not to have but to be, not to own but to give, not to control but to share, not to subdue but to be in accord“ ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

How do you find the realm of time?


“Disillusionment is, literally, the loss of an illusion — about ourselves, about the world, about God — and while it is almost always a painful thing, it is never a bad thing, to lose the lies we have mistaken for the truth. … Disillusioned, we find out what is not true and we are set free to seek what is — if we dare — to turn away from the God who was supposed to be in order to seek the God who is.” ~ Barbara Brown Taylor, God in Pain

Where are you free to seek what is?


“Six days a week, we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul.“ ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel