Tightrope walk

The needs of the world … the inner life. We ourselves lean now too far one way, now too far the other. The rope is straight, reliable, direct, a simple, single, narrow way: the path to life. Our struggle is to learn the balance: to walk it quietly, trustingly, simply. … The depth of our prayer and the depth of our sensitivity to and love for the world: simplicity lies in their congruence. The process of tottering into congruence is the process by which we become simple.” ~ Elaine Prevallet, Reflections on Simplicity

How do you move towards simplicity?


The poppies send up their
orange flares; swaying
in the wind, …

…that light
is an invitation
to happiness,
and that happiness,

when it’s done right,
is a kind of holiness,
palpable and redemptive.
Inside the bright fields… ~ Mary Oliver

How are you receiving this invitation?

Let us pray

“Enable us to carry out from this place peace and strength that here we gain. Because we have talked with You here, may we be able to work more patiently for Your kingdom, bringing light upon the problems that perplex the world, dispelling the night of doubt and fear with Your sheltering love.” ~ from Meditations of the Heart

How do you carry peace?


A pilgrimage is an intentional journey into this experience of unknowing and discomfort for the sake of stripping away preconceived expectations. We grow closer to God beyond our own imagination and ideas. ~ Christine Valters Paintner

What is stripped away?


“And the thing about blooming is, nothing about the process is easy. It requires every part of you to stretch upward, with your roots firmly planted in the ground; and in the sun, and in the rain, and wind, you stand anyway, even against the pull of the soil.” ~ Morgan Harper Nichols

Where are you blooming?

Eye opening

…It is the opening of eyes long closed.
It is the vision of far off things
seen for the silence they hold…. ~ David Whyte

What do you see?