
What has seemed out of reach for a long time finally came together and alive with mystery and grace, or as Gerard Manley Hopkins begins a poem “As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame…

Where have you experienced “catching fire”?


Why is being in nature so refreshing? I wonder if it has to do with the integrity or authenticity of nature where a rock is a rock, a tree is a tree and a chicken is a chicken in the midst of a world of artificial flavors, fake news, and pretend masks that vie for the spectacular or relevant or powerful.

How does nature restore your soul?


“They knew that they were helpless to do any good for others as long as they floundered about in the wreckage. But once they got a foothold on solid ground, things were different.” ~ Thomas Merton

How do you watch for footholds?


To be playful is not to be trivial or frivolous, or to act as if nothing of consequence will happen. On the contrary, when we are playful with one another, we relate as free persons, and the relationship is open to surprise; everything that happens is of consequence, for seriousness is a dread of the unpredictable outcomes of open possibility. To be serious is to press for a specified conclusion. To be playful is to allow for unlimited possibility. ~ James Carse

How do you live into possibility?


“If your convictions are worth anything, you should be willing to stand up for them and, if necessary, make some sacrifices. And if you’re not ready, then you have no convictions at all; you just think you do. But those are not convictions and principles; just thoughts in your head.”  ~ Alexei Navalny

Any thoughts?

Holy pauses

“One could not begin the cultivation of the prayer life at a more practical point than deliberately to seek each day, and several times a day, a lull in the rhythm of daily doing, a period where nothing happens that demands active participation.” This lull of being rather than doing is a holy pause. “ ~ Howard Thurman

How do you breathe in between?