Holy pauses

“One could not begin the cultivation of the prayer life at a more practical point than deliberately to seek each day, and several times a day, a lull in the rhythm of daily doing, a period where nothing happens that demands active participation.” This lull of being rather than doing is a holy pause. “ ~ Howard Thurman

How do you breathe in between?


“ When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde

How do you connect strength and vision?


Whether we learn a skill, begin a task or embark on a journey, the temptation is to rush ahead toward the goal or product. Yet the key usually lies in taking care of the tedious preparation which makes everything else flow.

When and where do you rush through the preparation?


A change of pace, a new experience or foreign culture reorients us and can help refocus when we have been caught up in our own little world.

What interrupts or disrupts your life enough that the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders and God meets you in new or unexpected ways?


The rhino is a strong, horned, thick skinned and peaceful land-dweller that is powerfully fast and dangerous when disturbed. The more we know the terrain we thrive in, and what we are made out of, the easier it is to know where to dwell, how to contribute and what edges to push.

What do you look like?

Into the Field of Sunflowers

Come with me into the field of sunflowers, Mary Oliver invites in one of her poems, for their wonderful stories.

“…Don’t be afraid
to ask them questions!
Their bright faces,

which follow the sun,
will listen, and all
those rows of seeds –
each one a new life!

hope for a deeper acquaintance;
each of them, though it stands
in a crowd of many,
like a separate universe,

is lonely, the long work
of turning their lives
into a celebration
is not easy…. ~ Mary Oliver

What is your long work of turning?